“Если у вас нету тёти“ текст LYRICS “If You Have no Aunt“
The GENITIVE CASE is the backbone of this song. Learn about this case and enjoy this
wonderful song from the film: “Ирония судьбы, или С лёгким паром!“- 1977.“The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy your bath“
This film is so sweet! Try to see it- you’ll love it.
Rough translation into English(by me-so it might not be perfect!):
If you don’t have a house, it won’t catch fire, and your wife won’t leave you,
If you havent got a wife.
If you have not got a dog, he can’t poison the neighbour, and not fight with another dog.
The orchestra is playing loudly, trumpets blow...
You must think for yourself-to have or have not.
If you have not got an aunt, you can’t lose if you don’t live, you can’t die.
The orchestra is playing loudly, trumpets blow..
You must think for have or not to have!
something to think about!