Supersize BURGER!! 🍔 Eating an 11 Pounds GIANT BEEF Cheeseburger!!
🎥 Giant Goose Egg Omelet:
🍔 La Maison By Chef Billy:
Thank you to Crying Tiger Channel for this burger and restaurant recommendation. Watch their video here:
BANGKOK, THAILAND: I was very excited to eat at La Maison By Chef Billy, a restaurant in Bangkok where Chef Billy serves Western food - especially French and Italian, and burgers. Additionally, he cooks a massive 5 kilo (11 pounds) supersized burger that you have to order three days in advance. And it feeds 10 - 15 people!
One of the things that stood out to me immediately is that Chef Billy cooks everything from scratch, from his special sauces and seasonings, to the giant bun which he bakes himself. So the quality of the burger and all the food stands out. To make the giant burger, Chef began with a 3 kilo meat patty which was cooked on a hot griddle. Cooking a burger this size is a test in construction and engineering, and it held up to the test!
After all t
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