SpaceX Starship Boca Chica 2021 004 03 Debris Cleanup Easter Prep 1

Dedicated to my husbands sister Mary ’Liz’ wko lost her battle tonight. She was a dedicated sister and follower to our video’s and hoped she would experience a launch with her grandkids. . Liz. Miss you so much. In this Video: Sights from the Production Shipyard covers all things tank and simulators. What is that noise that sounds like a motor hum or harmonic power tool? Also, leave comments and identifiers of what you pick out to help with our descriptions for others. Thanks, this was a miracle we got this out as is. When driving by the hard check point, we get instructions to proceed to beach without stopping. On the BocaChica Beach you’ll experience the Easter traditional weekend family gatherings of the locals. I had a picnic with friends and caught up on news watching the waves. Down here I climbed a dune and took pictures of the east side of launch site on top of the dunes. The debris field is still full of . I have a drive by on my twit
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