Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
“Buddha, as you know, is working on our right side, on our Agnya.
First He said, for the right side, you should be detached, desireless.
When you’re desireless you are happy because you are never disappointed, you are never nervous. So to be desireless doesn’t mean that you become something absurd or ascetic, but not to expect anything.
In Sahaja Yoga, we have now understood that all other desires are not pure desires.
So what is the pure desire? That, you all know, is the kundalini. Kundalini is the power of pure desire, which fulfils your pure desire to be the spirit, to be Buddha, to be enlightened. Buddha means a person who is enlightened.“
Shri Mataji 4th August 1991, Belgium
Link to download mantra with meaning
श्री बुद्ध के २१ नाम
१ . ॐ श्री बुद्धाय नमो नमः
२ . ॐ श्री सिद्धार्थाय नमो नमः
३. ॐ श्री गौतमाय नमो नमः
४. ॐ श्री महत्-अहङ्काराय नमो नमः
५. ॐ श्री निरहङ्काराय नमो नमः
६. ॐ श्री अमिताभाय नमो नमः
७. ॐ श्री महावैरोचनाय नमो नमः
८. ॐ श्री विश्व-भद्राय नमो नमः
९. ॐ श्री अवलोकितेश्वराय नमो नमः
१०. ॐ श्री क्षिति-गर्भाय नमो नमः
११. ॐ श्री आकाश-गर्भाय नमो नमः
१२. ॐ श्री मञ्जुश्रिये नमो नमः
१३ . ॐ श्री राग-राजाय नमो नमः
१४. ॐ श्री नाग-रक्षाय नमो नमः
१५. ॐ श्री लोकपालाय नमो नमः
१६. ॐ श्री नरेन्द्राय नमो नमः
१७. ॐ श्री वैश्रवणाय नमो नमः
१८. ॐ श्री अचलाय नमो नमः
१७. ॐ श्री वज्र-सत्त्वाय नमो नमः
२०. ॐ श्री भैषज्याय नमो नमः
२१. ॐ श्री मात्रेयाय नमो नमः
21 Names of Shri Buddha
1. Shrī Buddha - The one who has an enlightened awareness
2. Shrī Siddhārtha - The one who has accomplished His desired objective
3. Shrī Gautama - He who is desireless
4. Shrī Mahat-ahaṅkāra - The ultimate ego of the Divine
5. Shrī Nirahaṅkāra - He who is beyond ego
6. Shrī Amitābha - From whom limitless light and vibrations
7. Shrī Mahā-vairochana - He who is the universal harmony of the cosmos
8. Shrī Vishva-bhadra - He who is the universal auspiciousness
9. Shrī Avalokiteshvara - He who is the lord of introspection.
10. Shrī Kṣhiti-garbha -He who is the source of the Earth
11. Shrī Ākāsha-garbha - He who is the source of the sky
12. Shrī Mañjushrī - The one who is beautiful and auspicious
13. Shrī Rāga-rājā - The one who has conquered passion and desire
14. Shrī Nāga-raksha - The protector of Shri Kundalini
15. Shrī Lokapāla - The protector of mankind
16. Shrī Narendra - The benevolent king
17. Shrī Vaishravaṇa - He who is truely the God of wealth
18. Shrī Achala - He who is constant and unwavering
19. Shrī Vajra-sattva - He who is the embodiment of unconquerable strength
20. Shrī Bhaiṣhajya - He who is the Healer/ medicine
21. Shrī Mātreya - The prophesied Buddha of love and compassion; the embodiment of the three Mother goddesses Shri Mahalakshmi, Shri Mahasaraswati and Shri Mahakali
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