Child Abuse - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

Dr. Ebraheim’s educational animated video teaches about all the signs and symptoms of child abuse. Child abuse most often occurs under 3 year of age, and if it is not recognized and reported, repeated abuse may occur in 40% of the cases. Death can occur in up to 5% Risk factors for child abuse: •First child •Single parent •Stepchild •Disabled child •Parents were abused Suspect child abuse if: •Fracture femur before the walking age ( 1 year) is suspicious. The most common orthopedic injury associated with child abuse is femur fractures. •Multiple fractures at different stages of healing are seen in a skeletal survey. Stages of healing: 1-hematoma, 2-inflammation 3-soft callus 4-hard callus 5-remodeling . Callus and periosteal reaction is seen. •Unwitnessed spiral fractures. Spiral fractures are not a good criteria because most of them are accidental. Other signs include: •Multiple soft tissue bruising, skin lesion is the most common, bone frac
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