Official ROB ZOMBIE music video for “Shadow Of The Cemetery Man“ from the album, The Lunar Injection Kool Aid Eclipse Conspiracy, out now via Nuclear Blast. Order at ORDER AT: LISTEN AT: Subscribe to Nuclear Blast: Subscribe to Rob Zombie: VISIT ROB ZOMBIE Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: YouTube: --- Rob Zombie “Shadow Of The Cemetery Man“ Lyrics Spin a turntable for the ugly ones Rocky mountain high in the California sun One is one is one is us Hitching a ride on a black magic bus She gotta rock and she gotta roll I don’t give a fuck I ain’t never growing old Get it o...n DIG IT SEXY MAMA Well, I’m a CEMETERY MAN DIG IT SEXY MAMA Well, I’m a CEMETERY MAN Yellow submarine said “jump right in” A self-made freak just selling you some skin now Mock your christ with crowning thorns Praying to a demon sporting cheap plastic horns Hate is your god so twist and shout Get out on the floor and work that fucker out now DIG IT SEXY MAMA Well, I’m a CEMETERY MAN DIG IT SEXY MAMA Well, I’m a CEMETERY MAN Take your baby over to dead man’s curve Going down, down down if you got the nerve Take your baby over to dead man’s curve Going down, down, down if you got the nerve DIG IT SEXY MAMA Well, I’m a CEMETERY MAN DIG IT SEXY MAMA Well, I’m a CEMETERY MAN #RobZombie #ShadowOfTheCemeteryMan #TheLunarInjectionKoolAidEclipseConspiracy #HeavyMetal #Metal #NuclearBlast
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