Making a Concrete Waterfall Fountain - Creative D2H #62
Hello, crafters :) In this tutorial, you will see how to make a cement water fountain at home. It’s a fantastic craft idea from cement for your home and garden decoration. It’s an amazing DIY idea with cement and plastic bowls you can make at home! To make this concrete waterfall fountain I use mainly cement, sand and plastic bowls. This handcrafted rainfall fountain can be used as an indoor-outdoor aquarium. For water circulation, I used a submersible water pump. It’s fun to make and you can use it as an awesome decoration.
▪ DAS Modeling Clay
▪ Submersible Water Pump
▪ Sculpting Tools Kit
▪ Stainless Steel Palette Knife
▪ Submersible LED Lights
**** Supplies:
Styrofoam (or Thermocol) Thickness: 4 cm
Flexible PVC Tube (for pump) : Lenght 30cm, Inlet Diameter : 6mm
PVC Tube: Diameter 20mm / Lenght : 25cm
Cement: Ordinary Portland - Masonry cement
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