Spain now! A storm with a wind speed of 212 km/h! Cities under water! Europe is in mourning!

A storm system called Alin is expected to bring heavy rains and possible thunderstorms as it moves eastward across the country in the coming days. High winds, lightning and possible hail may accompany the storms. Unchoppy seas are also likely in coastal areas during the passage of the storm system. Heavy rains could cause flooding in low-lying areas, and high winds could cause property damage and power outages. Prolonged heavy rains can trigger flooding in low-lying communities near rivers, streams, and creeks. Urban flooding is also possible in developed areas with easily overwhelmed storm drainage systems. Areas downstream of large reservoirs or rivers may be subject to flash flooding after relatively short periods of intense rainfall. Landslides are possible in hilly and mountainous areas, especially where heavy rains have soaked the soil. Authorities may issue mandatory evacuation orders for flood-prone communities in the coming days. Power and telecommunication outages are possible if severe weather affects utility networks. Severe weather could lead to disruptions in transportation in all affected regions. Floodwaters and debris flows could make some bridges, railroad networks or roads impassable, making overland travel in and around affected areas difficult. Being on pavement could create hazardous driving conditions on regional highways. Authorities may temporarily close some low-lying routes inundated by floodwaters.
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