Cover♬ STAY MY LOVE covered by Akari, originally performed by Akihiro Nishino

#歌うまさん #ProjectMillion #歌って頂いてみた Music: Covered by Akari Photo: Taken by aNcari Room, Captured & Edited by EdKara Akari is a Japanese YouTuber who lives in Vietnam. Akari’s Original Cover: The following video deserves more than 1,000,000 views, but has been played only 31,732 times as of date 1st January there and try to watch the video. I’m sure you like it ! aNcari Room: Singing songs, introducing Vietnamese culture, how to learn Vietnamese YouTube▷ Facebook▷ Instagram▷ Original:Written & Composed by Akihiro Nishino ( ニシノアキヒロ ) ★Subscribe to this channel: ★EdKara on iTunes: ★EdKara Web site:
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