Spiritism4All - Would be Allan Kardec a Jedi master - Do you know the Spiritist Doctrine

The Spiritist doctrine was codified by Allan Kardec at the end of the 19th century through a meticulous work of cataloging and organizing messages obtained through mediumistic communications produced under the coordination of the Spirit of Truth. In addition, through some Brazilian mediums several works complementary to basic works were obtained, highlighting the more than 400 works psychographed by Chico Xavier and the more than 250 works psychographed by Divaldo Franco. All of these works were written in Portuguese, several were translated into English, but many are still unavailable to people who do not know the Portuguese language. Important topics such as obsession, disobsession, planetary transition, mediumship, Divine Laws, spirits’ interference in our lives, reincarnation, etc., will be treated in detail, in order to facilitate the dissemination of this important doctrine to interested people from all over the planet.
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