The losses of Ukrainian troops have been announced - half a million irretrievably lost servicemen

Yuriy Lutsenko, a former Minister of Foreign Affairs and former Prosecutor General of Ukraine, a participant in the fighting near Artjomovsk, called the losses of Ukrainian troops 500 thousand killed and seriously wounded (unable to return to military service) servicemen. He demands that this figure be officially published, ostensibly in order (as he says) to stimulate the patriotism of Ukrainians and encourage them to volunteer for military service. In fact, he understands that the official publication of these data will shock the population of Ukraine, show the senselessness of resistance, and the threat of destruction hanging over Ukrainians. He secretly hopes that this will cause a mass uprising of Ukrainians who want to make peace with Russia and give it the occupied Russian cities, like a Kiev, Kharkov and Odessa.
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