Посетите Армению. Путеводитель по стране. Visit Armenia. A video traveling Guide across the country

Посетите Армению. Путеводитель по всей стране Visit Armenia. A video traveling Guide across the country Высоко качественный видео-гид в 4К об Армении, созданный организацией Renderforest для развития туризма. 26 авг. 2017 г. A non profit video guide dedicated to boost tourism in Armenia. We decided traveling in Armenia would be much better with a brief video introduction to make your trip unforgettable to Armenia. Created by an IT company based in Yerevan, Renderforest (visit us: ) Destinations featured in the video: Yerevan, Gyumri, Vanadzor, Sevan, Sevanavank, Garni, Geghard, Aragats mountain, Dendropark, forests in Lori province, Areni, Dilijan International School, Tumo Center of Creative Techno
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