LoL Movie - A Bad Movie Made by a Noob

Hey guys, this is the first video i ever made, featuring cool scenes from League of Legends. I dont know anything about video editing nor i care to learn, that’s why it’s a simple fraps windowsmoviemaker made video). As for my LoL info, i’m FullMetalAlchem, Eu player, currently at 1800-2000-1650(3v3, solo,5v5 ranked) elo. I climbed from 1700 to 2000 playing ONLY Karma and Lee sin, so many of the scenes are from those champs(also, all but 1 scene are from ranked games). I had major step backs while playing these champions, cause many times my team flamed my pick, trolled or just didnt play to win. I just wanna say, when u see something different, dont be so eager to turn it down, before u actually see it in action. And yes, i do believe that both of them are underrated, especially karma. Also, i made her get banned :D I play from a bad laptop, so i had to record everything on low resolution graphics. I wish i had my most epic moments(my karma quadra
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