Logos that was with God Before the Multiverse Incarnated as Man

Where is “The Unseen Realm“? • The diameter of our observable universe is 93 billion light years, which includes 100 billion to 2 trillion galaxies. • However, our observable universe is only a point in our entire universe, which we can practically say is infinitely large. • But our Entire Universe is only 1 drop in the infinite ocean of multiverse realities. Beyond this multitude of infinite number of Universes, there is a fundamental, primary reality that existed before the origin of the first worlds of the multiverse and will always exist. • In the fundamental reality reigns the blessed Logos (Word), about which John writes in his Gospel: “In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.“... ▶ String Theory and other Dimensions a three-dimensional world that is defined as forward and backwards, up and down, on an x-y scale, the word dimension literally refers to a scale of measurement with our three-dimensional world or 3d - governed by a fourth dimension, called time. quantum mechanics posits that there could be up to 11 or more different dimensions. So our question is, what if each dimension could be home to a specific class of life such as different entities. with that question in mind what would a lower two-dimensional world and its theoretical life forms look like to us... using M theory simple, just look at a photograph beings with 3d capacity, like us, humans would be able to view a flat 2d world such as a photograph or a TV-screen with ease, but beings from a 2d world would be unable to see what our 3d world really looks like, Essentially making us partially invisible to them. This law of visibility applies to every dimension, no matter what dimension a being is in, they can only see the dimensions below and only partially the next dimension above. therefore since humans are only three dimensional beings, we cannot physically see the fourth dimension - which is time. however a 4d being would be able to view our 3d world in our timeline in its entirety from beginning to end, from the creation of the universe until the end of time. moving up a step a higher - 5th dimensional being will not only be able to see our complete timeline like a fourth dimensional being but they can also see all possible timelines across a multiverse of timelines. a sixth dimensional being would be able to see beyond that. and a seventh - beyond that... and so on and so forth. so what dimension could the Demon-like or Angel-like entities be in? since they are somewhat limited by the progress of time much like us humans, then we can guess, that they exist somewhere between the third and the fourth dimension. They are occupants of a parallel world of spirits. so using String theory we can say that they are in essence higher dimensional creatures. compared to us that they have the ability to observe our 3d world, while remaining invisible to us. ▶ “All of biology can be explained in the language of chemistry. All of chemistry can be explained in the language of physics. All of physics can be explained by relativity (for example the big bang) and quantum theory (which gave us transistors, lasers and the internet). But the problem is that these two hands of God (relativity theory and quantum theory) do not connect with each other. They hate each other. And that’s the goal - the goal of science is to combine these two theories and create an equation (which may be only a few centimeters long on a piece of paper) that allows us to unlock the mysteries of the universe itself. This is the holy grail - the holy grail of science. String theory states, that everything in our universe is made up of tiny vibrating identical strings. The reason why the quarks appears different, than electron is because both vibrate at different frequencies. These strings are so tiny, that if an atom was magnified to the size of Solar system, the string would be the size of a tree. String theory also proposes, the idea of higher dimensions and parallel universes. These parallel Universes might be just few millimeters away from us, but we don’t sense them, because they are vibrating out of phase of our Universe. In string theory, all particles are vibrations on a tiny rubber band. physics is the harmonies on the string, chemistry is the melodies we play on vibrating strings. The universe is a symphony of strings, and the mind of God is cosmic music resonating in 11 dimensional hyperspace.“ - Michio Kaku.
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