The Kadena Live Panel: Forge Episode 4 Powered by Kadena (Дата оригинальной публикации: )

We have gathered the Kadena and Vue School teams to talk about all things Web 3, Blockchain and Frontend! Meet Randy Daal from Kadena! Randy is the Chief Experience Officer (CXO) of Kadena. Randy joined Kadena in April of 2022 as Kadena’s Developer Experience Lead. Prior to Kadena, Randy developed his passion in front-end development in several large companies in the Netherlands, including the creation of UpFront, a front-end consultancy company that later merged with Frontmen and then merged again with iO, one of the largest agencies in Europe. Randy has built many large-scale applications across a multitude of domains. Meet John Wiegley from Kadena! John is the CTO of Kadena! He started his career working on compiler front-ends, linkers, and debuggers and has been doing so in the C community for 25 years. He is a Haskell & Coq programmer and an Emacs devotee. Together with our newcomers Randy and John, we had the pleasure of hosting the Keynote with Albert Groothedde, the Architect DevEx at Kadena and your teacher at Forge Episode 4, as well as both Vue School instructors - Daniel Kelly and Boudy de Geer. Tune in and learn more about: 👉 Why you want to choose Kadena over Ethereum? 👉 How could Web2 be enhanced by Web3? 👉 Should we move towards 100% Web3? And more! Event is proudly sponsored by: 🌟 Kadena - 🌟 Sauce Labs - 🌟 Grafbase - 🌟 Rollbar - The official certification of competence for the Framework Join Vue School’s Hiring Program Join Nuxt Nation 2023 for FREE Do you want to master Nuxt 3? Mastering Nuxt 3 Course Contact us team@
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