“I remember us kissing“ CHANGLIX - Update (June + July 2021) - Things you didn’t notice
Hey guys 🌈
Mentioned video :
2nd mentioned video: (minute 31)
Please dont force friendship on them and also no couple life. Just call what they have relation. Their relation is... that is not labeling and fair towards them.
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I don’t want to hear why woojin is not blurred out. He is a human being and I won’t blurr him out.
Please focus on CHANGLIX❤️
I did NOT cut anything together so that it looks better! No! The only thing that I am doing is showing you how they behaved in detail.
In this Video I am analyzing Felix and Changbins behavior and body language.
If you have any moments you want me to analyze, send it to my insta : @yongbokissausagee
For all German viewers : Wattpad : Kpopismyjam3
Please spread love not hate.
Thank you for being a Stay!