Robert P. Goldman | What a Long, Strange Trip

A Tale for All Seasons - The Rāmāyaṇa from Antiquity to Modernity in South Asia: A Symposium on Recent Studies in Rāmāyaṇa Scholarship A day-long symposium to primarily celebrate the conclusion of a four-decade-long translation project at UC Berkeley, the Vālmīki Rāmāyaņa Translation Project. Started at Berkeley in the mid-1970s, and being carried out by an international consortium of Sanskrit scholars under the direction of Professors Robert and Sally Goldman, this Project has as its goal the production of a complete, accurate, and readable English translation of the critical edition of the monumental epic poem. 8:30-8:45. Welcome & Opening Remarks. Robert P. Goldman. 8:45-10:15. Panel One. Moderator: Kashi Gomez. 8:45-9:30. Jennifer Clare: After Kampaṉ: The Rāma Story in 16th-century Tamil Sources 9:30-10:15. Pika Ghosh: Unrolling an Epic: A Rāmāyaṇa Scroll from Nineteenth-Century Bengal 10:30-12:00. Panel Two. Moderator: Priya Kothari. 10:30-11:15. Sohini Pillai: V
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