you let the devil in, you hold him near. (multicouples)

“Crazy love, it’s not you I fear... And I don’t want to live without you, I don’t want to live without you.“ I found this song and it gave me the idea for a gothic multicouple edit. It was first gothic couples, and then it also turned into tragic ones... and then so on... Tommy and Grace may be a sneak, but I loved them so much and they ended so tragically that I had to include them, especially with how insane he becomes in certain scenes because of Grace’s death. It reminded me of Dracula’s outrage upon finding Elisabeta dead, so I felt Tommy/Grace could be included and I could make it fit s...omehow. Reylo might also be a sneak, but they ended tragically as well, so I figured why not? this is supposed to be fun and artsy, and I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I had fun making it! ❤ song - #fanvidfeed #viddingisart
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