“A Revolution Against The Elites!” - WEF’s Klaus Schwab Openly Worries

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab is not afraid to tell the rest of us the truth about unpleasant matters like how in the future we’ll all own nothing and be eating bugs. But what DOES strike fear in Schwab’s otherwise black heart is the prospect of the huddles masses rising up against “the system” and directing their anger at elites like, well, Klaus Schwab. Jimmy, along with guests Craig “Pasta” Jardula and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger, discuss the wake up call Donald Trump and Brexit represented for Schwab and his ilk. Kurt Metzger on Twitter: Kurt’s website: Follow Craig “Pasta” Jardula on Twitter: The Convo Couch’s YouTube channel: Become a Premium Member: Go to a Live Show: Subscribe to Our Newsletter:
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