Björneborgarnas Marsch

Björneborgarnas Marsch (March of the Bjorneborg regiment) is an old march of the Swedish army from the 18th century. Some people on the internet say it was written around the year 1700, but so far I have not seen any source that supports that claim that this march is that old. The march also holds a special place in Finland. The reason for this is that the Bjorneborg regiment was located in Finland. In Finnish, the name for Bjorneborg regiment is “Porin rykmentti“ and hence do they call this march “porilaisten marssi“ (March of the Pori regiment). The Germans call this march “Alter Schwedischer Kriegsmarsch“ - which can be translated as “Old Swedish war march“, and this march is also included in their official repertoire of German military marches. The Bjorneborg regiment was founded by the Swedish King Gustavus Adolphus in 1626. The regiment served in multiple wars with the Swedish army. It fought in Poland in 1655–60, and in Germany during the
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