Blender How to change units from m to cm, mm, feet, inches | from metric to imperial

Tutorial video shows how to change units from m to cm, mm, feet, inches in Blender. For different purpose and different scale of 3D scene, we can change the units to match the scale for your 3D project. The default units in Blender is meters. In this tutorial video, we will go though how to change units from meters to centimeters or millimeters. If we want to change units to feet or inches, we can change units system from Metric to Imperial. Steps are easy to follow for Blender beginners. I hope this helps. Thank you for watching this video, feel free to share this video with your friends. More sharing on official website, Watch more Blender Tutorials here, Watch Blender Tutorials in this YouTube Video playlist : ------------------------------------------------------------------ Timestamp 0:00 Intro - Blender How to change units 0:13 Show Dimensions in Transform Panel 0:20 Change Units to cm , mm 0:30 Change Metric to Imperial 0:43 Change to Feet or Inches ------------------------------------------------------------------ Have fun with CG. Let’s create. #cgian #blender #tutorial #3D
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