Wire Printing in Cura Slicer 4.0 on Creality Ender 3, CR-10S Pro

Chuck shows you how to use Wire Printing in Cura Slicer 4.0 on Creality Ender 3, CR-10S Pro. He shows the settings in Cura 4 and how Wire Printing works on several Creality Ender 3, Creality Ender 3 Pro, CR-10 Mini and CR-10S Pro. He also shows you how to make wire frame 3D prints stronger with extrusion width or line width adjustment on this weeks Filament Friday. My Creality Ender 3 Upgrade Package (Extruder, Silent Board & Capricorn Tubing): CHEP Cura Profiles: Spiderman Bust: :1692007 *************** 3D Printers & Parts ******************************* Creality Ender 3: From Banggood : From : From Gearbest : From MatterHackers: Direct from Creality: CR-10S Pro From Banggood : From : From Matterhackers: From Gea
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