Dark0 – Superstars (Part One)

Growing up in the Peak District, artist George Jasper Stone found formative inspiration in the psychogeographic rupture of the area’s mountainous expanses of natural beauty by the steady crawl of industrial development. The molten sparks given off by this clash between nature and technology ignited his maximal approach to CGI and digital design, a practice that has seen the artist splitting his talents between brands, such as Valentino and Converse, and artists, including Namasenda and Drake. “I have a fascination with the contrast of industrial technology and the natural environment creating a sense of poetic bleakness that resonates within me on a personal level,” Stone explains. “My interest in these spaces is a source of inspiration and meditation. I find beauty and meaning in their bleakness.” In the first part of Superstars, a collaboration with producer and sound designer Dark0, originally commissioned for an exhibition at Trauma Bar Und Kino, curated by The Fairest, Stone takes both a micro and
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