QUILLING: How to Quill a Letter O, Beach Sunset Design

Today’s video shows how I paper quilled a letter O, with a beach sunset design. Here’s what I’m excited about: I used GLITTER! It made the reflection in the water so gorgeous! Check it out! Something else new with this one - I added the letter outline in the middle, after gluing down the trees. Usually the outline is the first thing done, in my previous video it was the last, and now it’s in the middle. Never know what to expect, mwaa ha ha! Also, I think this is the first quilling video where I didn’t talk and narrate, I just used captions. Better? Thanks for watching my video. Thank you for any comments too. I hope you’ll consider subscribing (and actually do it). Because I’m still a YT newbie and need your support! Happy quilling!
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