How to install React Native on Windows with Android Studio - [Update 2020]

How to install React Native with the latest Android Studio 2020 on Windows step by step 1,Install Node npm, Python3, Yarn, Java JDK8 2,Install Android Studio 2020 3,Install Java SE Development Kit 8(Java JDK) 4,Set environment variables (Sdk(ANDROID_HOME), JDK(JAVA_HOME), platform-tools(Path)) 5,Settings for SDK Platforms, SDK Tool in Android Studio *⚠ SDK Platforms: ✅Android 9.0 pie ✅Android SDK Platform 28 ✅Sources for Android 28 ✅Intel 86x Atom_64 System Image ✅Google Play Intel 86x Atom System Image *⚠ SDK Tools ✅Android Emulator ✅Android SDK Platform-Tools ✅Android SDK Tools ✅Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator(HAXM installer) - [ ⚠ For i3, i5, i7, 7th Gen or higher processor chips, there is no need to integrate because HAXM is available ] ✅Android SDK Build-Tools 30-rc2 - ✔ version 6,Create new project for the emulator and run Emulator 7,Tutorial
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