Should You See the FUTURE? – Kabbalah on Fortune Telling

Fortune tellers are people who claim that they can foresee the future, such as Nostradamus who is well known and who some claim was of Jewish descent. There were others too. For example, a Jewish Polish by the name of Wolf Messing, born in Poland, and who moved to Russia, had extraordinary abilities. He predicted his own death accurately, and even warned Stalin’s son, who heeded his words, not to take the flight he was scheduled on, and as it turned out the airplane crashed. In Israel, a lady predicted more than a year ago that Bennett would become prime minister, at times when such an option seemed completely absurd. Such an ability undoubtedly exists. They feel time because, all in all, time is a function of what a person feels. Time does not exist outside of a person. It exists inside the person and if a person rises above his ego, then he can see even more. There is no way of telling who has this genuine ability and who is a charlatan. However, the difference between them is vast. One speaks the truth ou
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