A Day With Blinded Soldiers At St. Dunstan’s (1914-1918)
A Day With Blinded Soldiers and Sailors at St Dunstan’s - men are taught Braille, shorthand, typewriting, boot repairing. It is not forgotten that ’All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’.
St. Dunstan’s Home / School for the Blind, Brighton, East Sussex.
Opens with shot of a few men sitting at outdoor table weaving baskets. Next; men standing beside tables lined up like desks in a classroom; they are repairing boots. Men and women sitting in front of some machines - may be Braille typewriters. Some men mending nets; with a lady looking over the work.
Behind tall fence of chicken wire; 3 men holding cockerels or roosters. A merry scene: a dance held in the yard in front of the house; mostly they’ve got enough women to go round; but there are men dancing together! Next; 10 men walking on a path; with their arms on the preceding man’s shoulder - the first one may be sighted; otherwise it’s the blind leading the blind. Rowing on the river.
Then another walk; this time the men are wearing suits