Valheim: HD Texture Mod by Willybach (Direct Comparisons and Discussion; Re-Upload)

Valheim is easily a contender for Game of the Year and while much of the game features a beautiful look and feel - the deliberate “chunky pixel“ look isn’t for everyone. We’re going to show you how Valheim looks without that pixelated look by comparing each and every biome and checking out buildings and structures using a new texture pack. This HD “mod“ is really just replacing 6 files. Over 300 textures have been replaced - with almost a universal improvement of the game’s visuals across the board (we’ll show you in the video where it falls short). If you don’t like it? Have Steam redownload the original files; there is no risk to see if it is for you. Note: This is a reupload of a previous video that incorrectly identified the modder. The audio track has been changed, but the video content is the same. Willybach’s HD Valheim Texture Pack My Valheim Tutorial/Beginner'
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