Charm of Finches - Atlantis (Music Video)

[STROBE WARNING] Directed by Charm of Finches Director of Photography (Indoors) - Samuel Vella Director of Photography (Outdoors) - Mel Stone Editor - Ivy Windred-Wornes Assistant - Daniel Ledwell Assistant - Danysha Harriott Song Credits for Atlantis: Written, Arranged, Performed by Charm of Finches Produced and Engineered by Daniel Ledwell Mixed by Daniel Ledwell Mastered by J. LaPointe Released by Spunk! Records Mabel Windred-Wornes: vocals, cello Ivy Windred-Wornes: vocals, violin, keys Daniel Ledwell: bass Lance Sampson (Aquakultre): backing vocals Michael Belyea: drums, percussion ATLANTIS There are days where I can’t get through And I call out into the void of you And I know that you’re somewhere far away But the louder I call the longer you tend to stay The city pillars reach up to the surface Weighted down in their darkened depths Will you fill your pockets with relics and stones Rust and ruins, a city where no one goes Atlantis holds you close A city far below Silence is the sound Atlantis holds you down Shimmering walls and scaly skin The cold has a way of creeping in Voiceless mouths, unseeing eyes No one hears your cries in the city of disguise Breathing, heaving, heavy on your chest Tightness clenching, searching for rest Even in these watery fells There’s a beauty where the darkness dwells Atlantis holds you close A city far below Silence is the sound Atlantis holds you down Should I dive down Should I dive down Should I dive Charm of Finches are Mabel & Ivy Windred-Wornes
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