31 logical fallacies in 8 minutes

I learned about fallacies recently, and it’s nice to have a way to put a name to ways in which we don’t think or argue logically. Follow up video: Chesterton’s Fence: Music: Adventures by A Himitsu Website about fallacies: This was the course I took (it’s free): Find me: IN THIS VIDEO: 0:19 Fallacy of Composition 0:29 Fallacy of Division 0:39 The Gambler’s Fallacy 0:47 Tu Quoque (Who Are You To Talk?) 1:06 Strawman 1:19 Ad hominem 1:35 Genetic Fallacy Correction: 1:43 Important clarification: fallacious appeal to authority is when you assume someone’s claims about [bacon] are valid in spite of the fact that they are in fact a [cheese] expert. However, it is also a fallacy to assume that just because someone is an expert on [bacon] that
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