Moscow 4k, Russia - Walking tour - GUM, Famous Shopping Mall

GUM is the main department store in many cities of the former Soviet Union, known as State Department Store. during the Soviet era (until 1991). Similarly-named stores operated in some Soviet republics and in post-Soviet states. The most famous GUM is the large store facing Red Square in the Kitai-gorod area – traditionally a centre of trade in Moscow. Before the 1920s the location was known as the Upper Trading Rows. With the façade extending for 242 m (794 ft) along the eastern side of Red Square, the Upper Trading Rows were built between 1890 and 1893 by Alexander Pomerantsev (responsible for architecture) and Vladimir Shukhov (responsible for engineering). The trapezoidal building features a combination of elements of Russian medieval architecture and a steel framework and glass roof, a similar style to the great 19th-century railway stations of London. The glass-​roofed design made the building unique at the time of construction. The roof, the diameter of which is 14 m
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