всё о железе на веганстве

Продолжая тему отдельных микро и макроэлементов, сегодня обсуждаем железо – в целом и непосредственно на веганском питании. Все вопросы – в комментарии, и подписывайтесь, ребят! Таблица продуктов с содержанием железа: Все остальные ресурсы: Dietary Reference Intakes: Iron: A Vegan Nutrition Primer: Is heme iron intake associated with risk of coronary heart disease? A meta-analysis of prospective studies: Heme iron intake and risk of stroke: a prospective study of men: Heme Iron from Meat and Risk of Colorectal Cancer: A Meta-analysis and a Review of the Mechanisms Involved: The Dark Side of Iron - Why Too Much is Harmful: #section6 NutritionFacts. Iron: Iron. Fact Sheet for Health Professionals: #h5 Iron and vegetarian diets: A vegetarian dietary pattern as a nutrient-dense approach to weight management: Optimal management of iron deficiency anemia due to poor dietary intake: Iron Part 1—Basics: #iron-content-plant-foods Should you get your nutrients from food or from supplements? Why Food Is Better Than Supplements:
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