Early Look At God of War Ragnarök’s Accessibility Features | Cover Story

In our latest cover story video, we take an early look at the extensive accessibility features in God of War Ragnarök. The game will come with 60-plus accessibility options at launch, including auto-sprinting down muddy roads to noticeable direction indicators for combat sequences. Above all, a deeper level of customization lets players fine-tune their own wintry apocalypse. Click this link to learn more: // S U B S C R I B E Don’t miss any of our video features or exclusive coverage! Subscribe to the channel: // FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | // READ GAME INFORMER MAGAZINE 1 Year Digital Subscription for $: 1 Year Physical Subscription for $: // M E R C H Show off your love for Game Informer – Stickers, phone cases, mugs, and t-shirts: #godofwarragnarok #accessibility #ps5
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