JUST IN- What Scientists Just Discovered In Africa Scares Everyone!
Most of Africa’s dense tropical forests cover half of its territory, creating an alluring haven where elusive creatures dwell unnoticed, waiting for exploration and unraveling. Here, we present fifteen of the most horrifying discoveries in the Congo, sure to send shivers down your spine.
00:00 Intro
00:33 A Living Dinosaur
02:03 The Giant Snake
04:11 Giant Spiders
05:56 The Vibranium Stone
07:31 The Legend Of Kongomato
09:30 The Bili Apes
11:39 Mahamba
13:24 The Silver Monolith
15:09 The Mountain Gorillas
17:14 Cobalt Mining
19:20 Historic Artifacts
21:20 Mountain Of Gold
23:09 Dingonek
25:05 The Cave Of Agonizing Death
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