【手描き】きゅうくらりん / Kyu-Kurarin【Serial Experiments Lain】【UTAUカバー+PV】

【Hand-Drawn PV】きゅうくらりん【Serial Experiments Lain】【 UTAU cover video 】 --------------------------------------------------- Well, this isn’t a normal UTAU cover, is it? People who subscribe to my channel aren’t really here for the Serial Experiment Lain stuff that I occasionally make and talk about, but after I finished the series, I felt like I was obligated to finish this. I began making sketches for this PV about a week ago. After listening to it so many times, during homework, in the shower, watching the spectacular MV, and looking over the lyrics (both Will Stetson’s and the original’s...) got me really thinking... This anime was really important to me, and I couldn’t suggest this anime more. It was like watching an adaptation of a science fiction book, and I found myself pondering the content of each episode, even days after I had watched it. -------------spoilers below-------------- The ending of SEL was really bittersweet, and to be honest, upsetting. After Lain and Alice’s embrace, one of the only times where Lain genuinely felt happy, she erased herself from everyone’s memory, and was transported back to The Wired. At the end of the episode, Lain transcends time and visits the future, where she meets the happily married(?), adult, Alice. They exchange hellos, and Lain introduces herself. Her name resonates with Alice, and before their departure, she tells Lain, “Maybe I’ll see you again sometime“, After they leave Lain, she says to herself “Yes. I can see you anytime.“ --------------------------------------------------- A few days, I asked the community tab for some cold, female teenage voices. I didn’t want to spoil what I was working on, and I probably should have been more specific with what I was looking for, but I ended up using the UTAU, Dill. Her voice was perfect, and just what I was looking for. I was trying to find someone with a similar timbre to Lain, and though Dill isn’t a perfect replica, I felt her voice fit the most. Anyways, I’m sure that’s enough for the description, and I know that it’s a bad idea to post a lot of videos close together, but I felt like this was a special exception. lets all love lain ♡ --------------------------------------------------- song: iyowa ft. KAFU UTAU: Dill background vocals: Qing Su main ust: makyu english lyrics: will stetson tuning, mixing, illustrations, video, extras, harmonies: j0ey work: serial experiments lain please do not repost without proper credit. thank you for watching! ♡
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