Find Your Love - Reiki for Loneliness Curse Healing | Attract Destined Partner & Happy Relationships

The healing frequency of the reiki meditation music liberates you from the loneliness curse - a very widespread energy block in modern people. The loneliness curse if the state of our subtle body when it keep on rejecting the romantic partnership, intimacy and happiness. We keep on struggling alone blaming the external causes that don’t let us build the healthy and happy relationships with a loving partner, while the main cause is within ourselves. The energy leeches on our aura keep our vibrations low and gross. The healing reiki music for sleep increases the vibrations and cleanses the aura from the stains of negative experiences from the past. The purifying frequency of the reiki sounds detaches and removes the energy leeches, letting us accumulate the vital force that starts shining through to attract the potential partners as a guiding beacon. The people who have healthy souls and auras resonate with the signals that your subtle body is sending and feel attracted to you as a potential love par
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