12 в 1 фильмов Звёздные войны / ALL 12 STAR WARS MOVIES (4K)
#starwars #maythefourthbewithyou #starwarsirl
Can’t decide which Star Wars movie to watch? Problem solved. Now you can watch all 12 Star Wars movies, together, on one screen, at the same time. The PREQUELS. The ORIGINALS. The SEQUELS. The STANDALONE STORIES. The CLONE WARS. You’re welcome. May the Fourth Be With You :)
— Important disclaimer about the intention of this video —
FYI - This is a parody video. I literally made this because I thought it’d be funny and make for a good meme lol. There is no complete movie here, as all of the audio is completely mixed up and much of the background music and sound FX have been ducked or eliminated completely. This entire thing is nonsense. Therefore I didn’t think I would be hurting anyone by posting this. YouTube performed its copyright check and is allowing me to “share revenue with the copyright owners, but I still elected not to monetize this video since I don’t own any of it and want to be clear that I do not wish to profit from this. That being said, I will not hesitate to take this video down upon the copyright owner’s request.
List of Movies:
1. Episode I - The Phantom Menace
2. Episode II - Attack of the Clones
3. Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
4. Episode IV - A New Hope
5. Episode V - Empire Strikes Back
6. Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
7. Episode VII - The Force Awakens
8. Episode VIII - The Last Jedi
9. Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker
10. Star Wars The Clone Wars (2008)
11. Solo: A Star Wars Story
12. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
-----------------— HOW THIS WAS MADE —-----------------
Watching 12 movies at the same time is no easy task. Those are a lot of pixels. And a lot of sound fx. And a LOT of music. Here’s how I made it (somewhat) watchable:
- - Sourced 1080p HD versions of these movies, making sure each one came with at least 6 channels of audio.
- - Brought them into Final Cut, using an 8K project format to maximize the amount of pixels being used and minimize the amount that would have to be lost.
- - Synced up the intros and opening crawls
- - Deleted all the audio channels for every movie, except for one —the one containing the dialogue
- - Went through and manually isolated every piece of dialogue being spoken in every movie, from start to finish
- - Separated the dialogue from the background music (which was already pretty separated to begin with)
- - Applied compressors to all the dialogue so you can hear everything nice and clearly
- - Ducked all the background music and sound fx to levels that allow all the dialogue in every movie to be heard even better
- - Color corrected to make it easier to see (Solo is much darker due to them shooting w/ practical lighting methods)
- - Color graded everything to make it all look a little more consistent and nice to look at (basically lifted the shadows and applied some teal and orange)
- - Exported into 4K for YouTube (8K is not an option, but I chose to use downscaled 8K instead of native 4K because I swear there is a difference)
-----------------— Want my projector? Check THIS out! —-----------------
BenQ HT3550i US product page:
BenQ W2700i UK product page:
( same projector, different model # )
BenQ HT3550i Amazon link:
-----------------------— MERCH —-------------------------------
Old Merch in case you missed it:
-----------------— A BIG “THANK YOU“ to my PATRONS!!: —-----------------
Gabe Stiles
David Parazoo
Jacob Reed
Dan King
Joseph Allen
Team Rocket Grunt
Elijah Trevino
Eber Mosqueda
Elisabeth Price
Nicholas Hahn
Colton Barrier
Almonies ’Adam’
Coleman Cluff
Chris Heyer
Matt k coles
Ramona Mello
Kade Gregory
Wess Pasour
Nicolas Tremblay-Lapointe
Michael Mahaffey
Dustin Tiret
Abbi Kadabra
LlamaJedi .
Jessica Cho
Maggie Smith
Cristian Allwood
Frank torcasio
Matthew L Burton
Jon Flake
Hunter Beasley
Seth Aaron
Jenna Macias
Anthony Robinson
Laura Dune
Draven Mourne
daniel puente
Brendan Moon
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