0:00 Test-Driven Development for JavaScript Introduction
Started with JavaScript Testing\
1:56 Learning objectives
2:36 Overview of testing in JavaScript
8:49 Getting started with Jest
11:50 Writing and running a test
22:34 Organizing tests into suites
31:37 Using ECMAScript modules
Jest Matchers Effectively\
41:50 Learning objectives
42:49 Overview of Jest matchers
50:58 Testing for equality
1:03:27 Testing for range
1:10:55 Testing for null, undefined, or NaN
1:16:09 Testing for truth or falsehood
1:21:14 Testing for object properties
1:29:58 Testing for collections
1:40:05 Testing for errors
1:44:35 Defining and using a simple custom matcher
1:59:53 Defining and using a parameterized custom matcher
Effective Tests\
2:09:45 Learning objectives
2:10:37 Performing common setup and teardown operations
2:21:42 Defining parameterized tests
2:30:46 Testing for errors
2:41:05 Testing TypeScript code
2:47:41 Gathering test coverage information
Asynchronous Operations\
2:59:18 Learning objectives
3:00:25 Testing callback functions
3:10:02 Testing errors from callback functions
3:20:16 Specifying a timeout for tests
3:27:50 Understanding promises
3:42:09 Testing promises
3:50:51 Using the async and await keywords
4:01:10 Getting started with RxJs
4:10:04 Going further with RxJs
4:19:03 Learning objectives
4:19:43 Creating and using a mock function
4:25:20 Understanding the .mock property
4:36:18 Using mock functions to mock an API
4:48:15 Mocking modules
5:00:02 Mocking promises
5:21:46 Mocking REST calls
Mocking Techniques\
5:35:48 Learning objectives
5:36:37 Spying on functions
5:50:44 Defining a mock implementation for a spy
6:08:25 Mocking timers
6:20:32 Mocking timers - additional techniques
6:30:27 Introduction to ES6 classes
6:46:14 Defining automatic mocks for ES6 classes
7:01:38 Defining manual mocks for ES6 classes
Test-Driven Development (TDD)\
7:17:04 Learning objectives
7:17:46 Overview of TDD
7:29:39 TDD walkthrough
7:46:00 Refactoring
8:03:09 Refactoring with inheritance
8:15:20 Additional techniques
the User Interface\
8:25:16 Learning objectives
8:26:29 DOM essentials
8:42:01 Introduction to JSDOM
8:49:42 Accessing content using JSDOM
9:02:44 Loading an HTML file in a test
9:10:13 Testing JavaScript code that accesses HTML content
9:22:05 Testing event handlers
9:37:21 Introduction to Testing Library
9:47:10 Types of query available in Testing Library
10:00:37 A closer look at the query API in Testing Library
10:18:44 Using companion libraries with Testing Library
Started with Testing React Applications\
10:37:17 Learning objectives
10:37:45 Getting started with React
10:56:05 Creating a simple React app
11:09:22 Creating a complete React app
11:23:30 Understanding React components
11:48:03 Testing a React app
Further with Testing React Applications\
11:57:39 Learning objectives
11:58:41 Sample React application
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