Planet X Nibiru Nasa 2012 Doomsday Info Leaked

FREE DOWNLOAD OF ALL MY VIDEOS!!! CORRECTIONS: We do not necessarily agree with every statement found in this video nor with any images depicting heliocentrism and/or a moving Earth. Neither do we endorse any of the homepages depicted in this video except for ; Neither do we agree with a theory in one of the images which speaks about the end of the world in or around year 3787 or 3797 based on a Nostradamus prediction. Neither do we agree with that the Dark Star is a supposed homeworld of any creatures - if that was what the author of that image was supposed to depict: that creatures are living on that Planet/Star. All Aliens and UFOs, without exception, are demons and demonic entities by the way (if you want more proof of this, just email me). The image depicting Dulce underground facility Level 12 at 4:36 min are actually fake, and is a picture of Stockholm subway. None of the other pictures depicting Dulce in this film are accurat
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