My name is Anton Manuilov, and I create original music for relaxation. All music uploaded and created by me. Delicate beautiful music against the background of beautiful Wildlife. Life is Beautiful! Say NO to Problems! Listen and Watch this video, where the beauty of Life is revealed! Say YES to Life! Listen to this Music and let your wishes and dreams come true! This video and music is great for body work. YOU health and goodness I launched this channel with a simple vision to create a place you can visit to relax and feel inspired. If you think I succeeded, I would be very happy if you decided to subscribe to my channel. Rate videos and music !! Like it if you liked it! I hope you enjoy my music. Have a nice day! Best wishes, Manuilov Anton Меня зовут Мануйлов Антон, и я создаю оригинальную музыку для релаксации. Вся музыка, загруженная и была создана мною. Нежная красивая музыка на фоне красивой Живой природы. Жизнь Прекрасна! Скажи НЕТ Проблемам! Послушай и Посмотри это видео, где раскрывается красот
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