It’s so delicious to stir-fry tofu with beech mushrooms! What is the secret to a good stir-fry?

@HomemadeVeganIreneYong 《豆干炒白玉菇|Stir-fried Tofu With Beech Mushrooms》 强烈推荐的美味素菜小炒!白玉菇鲜香美味,豆干有嚼勁,简单的调味,味道相辅相成,吃起来越嚼越香! Highly recommended delicious vegan stir-fry!Beech mushrooms is delicious, and the tofu is al dente, simple seasoning, the flavours complement each other, and the more you chew, the more fragrant it tastes! 食材: 白玉菇 200克、豆干 300克、蒜末 25克、牛油果油 1汤匙、 糖 ½茶匙、烟熏甜椒粉
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