NEW Kel-Tec P-15: The Lightest, Smallest, 15rd. 9mm Pistol

In this episode of TFBTV, James Reeves visits with Chad of Kel-Tec to discuss the new Kel-Tec P-15. Kel-Tec started the microcompact class of guns with the Kel-Tec P-11, a hammer-fired ultra-compact 11 round 9mm. However, Kel-Tec has now modernized the P-11 as the P-15, now a striker fired ultra-compact 4“ barreled pistol. See our full SHOT Show 2022 Coverage here: @TFBTV Show Time ««« GEAR USED IN THIS VIDEO »»» • Apparel: All TFBTV apparel is sponsored by Tactical and you can get it at ««« GUN AND GEAR GIVEAWAYS »»» Check out our Patreon and SubscribeStar pages if you enjoy our program, and consider helping us at TFBTV out. We do not take money for positive reviews and we give away guns and gear EVERY month to our supporters. NOTE: We prefer SubscribeStar as they are a more gun-friendly platform. Gun and gear giveaways are not affiliated with, associated with, or in any way endorsed by YouTube and TFBTV is so
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