Freestyle Back Massage For Deep SLEEP! with Relaxing Music [ASMR]

Interested In Sensate? Stress, meet science A groundbreaking innovation in wellness technology, Sensate uses the natural power of sonic resonance to calm your body’s nervous system, providing immediate relief and long-term benefits from regular use. Get £20 off using this code SHIATSUSHANE for £20 off. Buy Today Who Doesn’t want a little freestyle back massage? and that’s exactly what Pam got, I had no plan when working just feel around and work what I feel needs some attention, hence the reason I actually climbed on the table and worked the massage a little bit how we might work when doing shiatsu. This massage was purely for relaxation to relax and ease muscles. Music deep sleep by @Chris Collins 0:00 - intro 1:01 - connecting 2:33 - scalp Massage 3:38 - deep tissue elbow work 5:30 - lower back and glute massage 6:04- flowing massage 6:30 - Tapping to relax muscles 7:21 - Scalp Massage 8:59 - Mass
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