America Needs Regime Change... Robert Kennedy Jr. Dices with Death by Running for the Presidency
Author and writer John Rachel warns in this interview that the United States needs to undergo regime change if the country is to have any chance of restoring its democracy.
Not only for restoring democracy and a decent society for the majority of its people but also for adhering to peaceful diplomatic relations and avoiding a nuclear world war with Russia and China.
This urgent need for regime change in the United States has been building for decades, as John Rachel explains in his latest book, Electing a Kennedy Congress. The great irony is that the US establishment has for decades been engaging in illegal regime change around the world, sabotaging countless other nations and sowing chaos and violence. The people of the US need their own regime change to get rid of the imperialist national security state.
The US political system has become endemically corrupted by powerful corporate dominance over the White House and Congress (and media). Both the Democratic and Republican parties have become “the War Party“ whose politicians are bought and sold by corporate power. Believing that one political figure can deliver the necessary change is a futile aspiration. The necessary change must be systemic involving mass mobilization of people and radical overhaul of the Congressional members as well as the future occupant of the White House. The entire US capitalist economy needs to be demilitarized. That means challenging the very essence of the US power structure.
And that is what makes democratic change in the US so dangerous and fraught with difficulty. The vested power structure is determined to prevail over any challenge... even to the point of assassinating anyone who threatens it. It really is a horrific reflection on the barbaric nature of US politics and power.
Robert Kennedy Jr. is only an initial sign of what is fully needed, says Rachel. Getting behind Kennedy could be a way to mobilize people and to confront the systemic corruption. However, Rachel warns of the constant pitfall of a “sellout“ as with previous figures like Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Preventing a sellout requires a critical mass of people and a Congress of new members who also share the vision of radical overhaul. The overhaul must be centred on meeting the needs of ordinary people and workers (the majority), such as decent jobs, education, healthcare and housing. Meeting such needs is what a democracy should do, by definition. But meeting such needs is incompatible with trillion-dollar military budgets and endless wars. In short, it is either democracy or imperialism. That is the stark choice.
In particular, the military-industrial complex and the militarization of the US capitalist economy and its foreign policy must be radically overturned.
Robert Kennedy Jr who is bidding to become a candidate for the White House in next year’s election appears to be aware of the profound challenge required to restore US democracy.
Sixty years ago, his uncle and former President John F. Kennedy also understood the systemic need for demilitarizing the US economy and the pursuit of more peaceful international relations. JFK paid the price by being assassinated by the US Deep State in 1963. The corporate media denigrate this truth about one of the darkest days in US modern history as “conspiracy thinking“.
Robert Kennedy Jr. is aware of the nefarious forces he is up against, as do a lot of people. He no doubt knows that his personal safety is at risk in challenging the power structure of the US imperial state.
But, as John Rachel points out, it is futile to expect the necessary change in the US system to be achieved by investing hopes in just one individual. What is required is a mass mobilization of US citizens demanding radical change in domestic and foreign policy. Kennedy is putting his life on the line, but the stakes are so high and serious for US politics and international peace, that all citizens must likewise be prepared to get out on the streets and into their communities and to make the vital change happen. It’s a case of the people versus the system.
That is what regime change in the United States requires and looks like. It is nothing short of revolutionary. Forget about poking into other nations and lecturing about democracy. The US needs it first and foremost.
#robertkennedyjr #uselection #uscapitalism #usmilitarism #usendlesswars #usimperialism #usrussiachina #militaryindustrialcomplex #jfkassassination
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