Sales, Storm And Sunshine (1951)

This is a duplicate of item - check for best quality. WINTER SALES London. SV. Sign ’Sale’, & CU. CU. Tilt shot sign ’Sale’. LV. Interior of store, crowds rushing through doors, & SV. & MS. GV. Packed store. CU. Sign - ’Reduced to Half Price’. SV. Women talking over bargains on counter. SCU. Sign of reduction. SV. People sorting over coats on racks. MV. Fast forward shots of people rushing round store. SV. Fast forward shot of assistant pulling clothes from box. SV. Fast forward shot, people turning over goods on counter SCU. Fast forward shot, people turning over goods on counter. SV. Fast forward, assistants packing goods. SNOW IN LONDON London. GV. Snow falling heavily on Oxford Street. GV. Snow falling heavily on Oxford Street. Pedestrians struggling along pavement. SV. People walking along pavement. Snow falling heavily. SV. Bus splashing through slush. CU. Policeman being splashed by passing cars. GV. Pigeons in Trafalgar Square. CU. Pigeons and footprints in snow. SV. Pan, snow
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