Figure Skating Scoring, Scandals and the controversial Quad Axel (4A) Base Value explained!
Just tune into Olympics to watch figure skating? Always feel confused about the scores? What do they mean? What’s the difference between the scores for ladies and men and other disciplines? What are some rules used to score figure skating? What are the two different sets of scores - TES and PCS? And what’s the score the Quadruple Axel? After watching this video, you will understand how incredibly difficult and how criminally undervalued this jump is! No, even if Hanyu lands that 4A in the Free skate and foot perfect, he wouldn’t be able to win if his rivals skate clean. The problems are all lying at the system, not just the judging. Let’s take a look!
#yuzuruhanyu - Yuzuru Hanyu, Yuzu, 羽生結弦, Юдзуру Ханю, 柚子,哈牛,ハニュ.ユズル, 羽生、柚る | GOAT (Greatest of all time) | Reigning Olympic Champion | Team Japan
#Nathanchen - Nathan Chen, 陳巍 Натан Чен, ネイサン・チェン | Quad King | Team USA
#kamilavalieva - Камила Валерьевна Валиева
#Annashcherbakova - Anna Shcherbakova, Anya Shcherbakova, @Dear_AnyaS, Dear_AnyaS, Анна
2 days ago 00:00:10 1
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