how to make mini waterfall island with driftwood

This project is about how to make mini waterfall island with driftwood & using 25cm diameter ceramic pot. Driftwood is one of the best material to use because of good water absorption and provide good moisture for moss to grow. By adding a miniature temple building on top, it will show the island visual proportion & scale. This project is inspired from bonsai waterfall with ancient diorama of chinese / japanese cliff island with a ancient temple building structure on top & bottom part with beautiful water scene and koi fish swiming around. i’m using the betta fish ( candy species) as perfect mini sizes to replacement “koi fish“ because it has a similarity color & shape to “koi fish“. Miniature ancient model link On shopee : ( Official by 木根 MUGEN WOONG STUDIO ) or email me for catalog : mugenwoong@
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