Meteor strike

Here is a much better quality version of this video: Huge meteor burn up. I was sat about 10 metres to the left of the camera and felt a huge shockwave. It shook the cottage. My immediate thoughts were Earthquake, but then realised, we don’t get earthquakes in Lapland. It must have been a huge tree falling on the roof? Nope, all the trees are still vertical. It was when I rewind the camera I see what actually happened. This happened so fast, without warning and with such violent power. It was humbling, just how small and insignificant a man is, compared to the destructive power of the universe. It was captured on our live video stream, which is recording the sky 24/7, to catch northern lights on video. But tonight it got a bit more than that! I was literally sat in one of the cabins here and wondered what the hell was going on! Clear skies, Tony Aurora Service The #1 tour company in Lapland
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