America Steps Up Air Power (1949)

Full title reads: “America Steps Up Air Power“. Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland, United States of America (USA). LV President Truman and others walking past crew of B-47. LV Truman walking past crew of B 47. Aircraft in background. SV American President Harry S Truman and General Dwight D Eisenhower talking. SV B. 47 in flight. SV Ike and Truman. Truman looking through binoculars. MV B47 bomber plane flies past. MV Formation of Shooting Star fighters flying over. MV Crowd watch. MV F-86 flying overhead. Muroc, California. LV Towards formation of B36 Convair six - engine pusher aircraft flying over. LV Formation of Convair aircraft flying over. MV Convair aircraft in formation. SV Airman looking through astrodome. Air to air shot of formation in flight. Houma, Louisiana. LV GV Interior wooden hangar. LV Man securing dynamite among rafters SV Two men securing dynamite. LV GV Hangar. SV Man lowers flag as signal for detonation. SV Man turning plunger on detonator. GV Explosion and hangar cr
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