Med za medeni kruh🍯Vrcanje meda🍪Pčelarstvo🐝How do bees make honey? 🍯The bee sucks up the nectar with her long, straw-like tongue, called a proboscis, transferring it into a special pouch called a ’honey stomach. ’ If the bee is hungry she can open a valve in this pouch, releasing some of the nectar into her stomach.
How do bees carry their honey?
The honey bees will collect a lot of nectar from flowers and put it in a special pouch called a honey pouch. When the pouch is full, it tells the bee that it’s time to go back to the hive.
What happens to the bees when we take their hone
Image result for Bees bring honey🐝🍯
After beekeepers steal all the honey from the hive, they keep the bees alive by feeding them sugary syrup and other subpar nutrients or just kill the entire hive—between 20,000 and 80,000 bees.
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